Just in case you were not aware, emergencies sometimes happen. And just in case you did not know, it is usually a good idea to be prepared for those emergencies – you know, just in case the emergency does happen. This is exactly why Mossberg put out a new series of “Just in Case” shotguns. Each shotgun in the Just in Case Series is a personal insurance policy designed to give you the tools that you need to take care of an emergency – just in case
The Mossberg 500 JIC is much more than the company’s famous Cruiser shotgun. This 12-gauge, pump-action shotgun with an 18-inch barrel features a comfortable pistol grip and a magazine tube that provides for a potential capacity of six shots. It also boasts the proven MIL-SPEC performance expected of all shotguns in the Mossberg 500 Series. But while it is capable of meeting a wide range of shooting applications, the JIC shines as a survival shotgun due in part to its inclusion of a water-resistant carrying tube and the company’s “Survival Kit in a Can.” One thing is sure; the Mossberg 500 JIC is one shotgun you are going to want in your collection – just in case.
Firearm Specifications
- Shotgun Type: Pump Action
- Gauge: 12ga
- Action Type: Pump
- Barrel Length: 18 Inches
- Capacity: 5 1
- Safety: Ambidextrous
- Grips: Polymer
- Trigger Type: Standard
- Stock Type: Pistol Grip Polymer
- Sights: Bead
- Condition: Factory New
- Construction: Steel
- Finish: Black
- Accessory Rail: No
- Overall Length: 28.75 Inches
- Weight: 5.5 Pounds
- Manufacturer’s Part Number: 56340
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